The 18th National Congress of the Esquerra Republicana of Catalonia was held in June 1992. It approved the restructuring of its Articles of Association in response to growing electoral support, increased militancy and greater territorial presence in the Principality, the Balearic and Pitiusic Islands, the Valencian Community and Northern Catalonia. In the first article of its Articles of Association, Esquerra proposed the territorial unity and independence of the Catalan nation, through the construction of a Catalan State within a European framework and within a left-wing ideological position which will take as its reference points democracy and the defence of the environment along with human rights and the rights of peoples. The party also chose to base its ideology and political action on social progress and national solidarity. This position was cemented by the 19th National Congress, in December 1993, with the passing of the party’s Ideological Declaration.

Nation/Region: Catalonia

The European Union has to recognise and put into practice "unity in diversity", respecting the reality of its different peoples and, in particular, the stateless nations and regions which have their own languages, history, economic and social characteristics and political aspirations. The European Union has to overcome the centralistic and technocratic mentality and practises of the States that still predominate in the European political arena.

Nation/Region: Europe

EFA-DPPE proposes that, in accordance with the subsidiarity principle and the political and national diversity of the European Union and as outlined in the resolution of the European Parliament of 26 October 2000 on better lawmaking, the amendments made to the Treaties should specifically include recognition of, and respect for, the political and legislative powers of the Member States' internal political units (component nations and nationalities, federated states, autonomous communities, regions) in their executive, legislative and judicial relations with the EU institutions.

Nation/Region: Europe
Wednesday, 24 August 2011 08:17

Declaration of the Brussels Convention


The European Free Alliance is a cooperative association of political parties which, in contrast with established traditional patterns of political thought, advocate a form of integrated regionalism. This concept is based on meaningful interplay between the individual and national identity and is given structural form in a harmonious, democratic decicion-making process on federal lines whereby decicions are taken at het lowest possible level and the greatest importance is attached to individuality. Social justice is one of its fundamental principles.

Nation/Region: Europe

The Basic Principles set out the ideological bases of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, which are summarised in the party's name: Esquerra (left): socialisation of wealth; Republicana (republican): defence of civil and political rights; de Catalunya: recognition of the national character of Catalonia.

On this basis, the document is centred on the following themes:
a) "Social question": basic premises for improving the working conditions of the working class (establishment of a collective ownership regime, reduced working hours, establishment of a minimum wage...)
b) "Religious problem": section that advocates freedom of thought and conscience, from which the defence of a secular state is derived.
c) "Agricultural problem": establishment of measures aimed at facilitating access to land by farmers (new forms of leases, establishment of cooperatives, etc.).
d) "Education": establishment of education as a human right, which must be guaranteed by the State.
e) "Economy, finance and cooperativism": defence of the socialisation of wealth through the nationalisation and municipalisation of certain production sectors, which will be defined by a cooperative system.
f) Justice: defence of the need to create an independent judiciary.

Nation/Region: Catalonia

Respect for the collective rights of peoples: one of the cornerstones of another possible world.

Nation/Region: International

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